Have you ever felt emotionally drained and struggled to find balance in a relationship or within yourself? A source that bears continuous stress and uncertainty needs one essential element for
Unlocking the Healing Touch: A Comprehensive Guide
In the ever-evolving realm of healthcare and holistic well-being, the quest for natural remedies and therapies to promote healing has gained significant momentum. Among these, the concept of the “healing
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR): A Path to Inner Peace
Introduction Stress has practically become everyone’s constant friend in today’s fast-paced society. The demands of work, family, and life, in general, can take a toll on our mental and physical
Chakras – The 7 major Chakras and their blissful positive impact on us.
If you’ve ever attended a yoga or meditation class, had an energy healing treatment like reiki, or merely viewed web videos about such subjects, you’ve probably heard about major chakras
Unconditional Love – Love you don’t have to earn!
What I learnt todayโฆUnconditional loveโฆ My mom has been unwell from mid June 2022. Its just a lot of health stuff that is continuously pulling her down. She has been
Miracles – The power to keep us moving on!!
What I learnt todayโฆMIRACLESโฆ I was attending a color therapy course by Dr Anu Mehta. On the second last day, we were made to do a very different activity. She
Reflection – No: 1 tip for ‘A Quiet Mind’
What I learnt todayโฆREFLECTION๐ชโฆ The dictionary meaning of the word “Illuminate” is –(1)ย to supply or brighten with light.(2) to make luminous or shining.(3) to enlighten spiritually or intellectually. I heard
Mindfulness 2022- Each moment you breathe is a Gift !
What I learnt todayโฆMINDFULNESSโฆ Saibabaโฆ My Mentor, Guide and Guru has taught the world the two Principles that he lived with โฆShraddha(Faith) and Saburi(Patience).I was talking to my friend who
Harmony – The Universe runs on the energy of it!
What I learnt todayโฆHARMONYโฆโจ My understanding and explanation of EGOโฆEveryGuy/GalsOpinionI am always RIGHT- others are always WRONG!I can say/do anything and all HAVE TO listen!I am smart and intelligent –
Disassociation – the state of being unconnected in memory or imagination
What I learnt today… DISASSOCIATION โจ “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose/ By any other name would smell as sweet.โ Shakespeare’s very famous quote. I clearly