nervous system

LifeWave patches – The Steps to Success in 2022 Leave a comment

LifeWave patches have been marketed since 2004. Their stated goal for their patented, proprietary wellness products is to help deliver more energy and stamina, mental acuity, better sleep, reduced stress, improved skin appearance, faster wound healing, and an overall feeling of youthful vitality and also help people reduce body fat and decrease pain.  

Their general brochure states they have worked with several independent researchers while developing their technologies โ€“ a couple of them are very familiar to me:  Dr. C. Norman Shealy, M.D., PH.D., a renowned pioneer in pain medicine and founding president of the American Holistic Medical Association and Dr. Thorton Streeter, special advisor to the UKโ€™s leading authority on Complementary Medicine and Director of the Centre for Biofield Sciences.  So, my curiosity peaked.

How do the patches work?

All LifeWave Products are free from drugs, chemicals and stimulants  So, how do the patches work? A person who uses LifeWave patches utilizes their bodyโ€™s own energy in the form of infrared body heat to power up or activate the materials in the patch. The patch then reflects light on to the skin which stimulates the nerves on the skin. The result is a specific change in the bodyโ€™s biochemistry, such as โ€œactivating stem cellsโ€.   

David Schmidt, the inventor, also claims to have found how to harness the power of peptides. Peptides have many functions in the body, but one of the most important is that peptides are communication devices that the body uses to initiate various chemical processes including antioxidant production, inflammation control, and stem cell activation.

I am currently using the X39 patch which stimulates stem cell production, the glutathione patch to support my immune system and promote the release of stored toxins, and the carnosine patch which their brochure states is to increase stamina and improve flexibility but which I am hoping will support my kidney function as it has been declining as I age and the Alavida patch to improve my skin from the inside out.   I started using these patches a month ago and while I am feeling great, I think to see the full benefit of these patches, especially the X39, I will need to use them for 3-6 months as that is how long it takes for cell replacement.  

I will come back to this blog later to let you know my results in 6 months โ€“ I will show before and after photos then.  In the meantime, if you are interested in learning more, you can find several websites and articles by following this link: โ€“ and you can find several scientific research articles at

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