The majority of yoga poses [asanas] strike a balance between strength and flexibility, however there are a select few that will most effectively develop your flexibility. So that you can concentrate on resting, breathing, and relaxing into the stretch, these yoga poses only need minimal effort. Each week, begin with just a couple of these yoga poses until you are at ease enough to add more.
Before reading, Watch this video by Yogi Poser demonstrating the yoga poses in detail.

12 yoga poses in detail
Bound Angle pose

Beginners will benefit from baddha konasana since it allows them to stretch their hips while widening their chest. The adductors, inner quadriceps, and hamstrings will be stretched by holding this pose for several long, deep breaths. As you allow your shoulders to relax and your spine to stretch, feel your heart enlarge. The reproductive, neurological, and respiratory systems are stimulated while your body is relaxed and any tension or stress is released. Additionally, it aids in preparing you for seated yoga poses such as meditation.
Wide Legged Seated Angle pose

Those who have trouble with tight hamstrings can benefit greatly from this hip-opening exercise. Your inner thighs will open up and extend out as you perform Upavistha Konasana, which also stretches your legs, back, and arms. The calves, ankle, hamstrings, glutes, abdomen, and spine are all strengthened as a result. Try putting a folded blanket beneath your hip bones or a bolster under your chest if you find this position challenging.
Triangle pose

Utthita Trikonasana is a fantastic pose for loosening up the muscles in your sides and legs. Triangle position helps you use your core muscles, which improves stability. Your core strength is activated when you keep your lower hand just above the floor, which makes you feel stronger and more confident. Your digestive system is among the organs that the triangle position stimulates, which might boost metabolism. By focusing on the lower back, which can be tense and painful, it lessens stress. Additionally, it can ease tension and help keep emotions in check.
Child’s Pose

Balasana is a wonderful resting pose that helps the entire body unwind after performing an intensive asana. The low back muscles are gently stretched in the child’s pose, which is a straightforward but effective posture. In addition to massaging and toning the abdominal organs to improve their functionality, this pose requires deep breathing. By calming the mind and the nerve system, it also aids in the reduction of stress.
Supine Pigeon pose

Supta Kapotasana is a fantastic posture for new practitioners or those with tight hips. We get the chance to gently stretch the hips, thighs, and low back in the reclining pigeon pose. It aids in preparing us for both sitting meditation and backbends. When we sit still for long periods of time, the front side of the pelvis, which is frequently tight and contracted, can be opened. We have a wonderful opportunity to develop patience and surrender in the reclining pigeon stance.
Standing Forward Bend

A excellent pose to extend your hamstrings is uttanasana. Hamstrings, hip flexors, and calves are stretched during a standing forward fold. It stretches the backside of the body, which enhances spinal alignment and posture. It relieves tension while calming the mind. Additionally, it stimulates the kidneys and liver and aids in better digestion.
Knees should be somewhat bent if your legs or low back are really tense. Grab the elbows on the opposing sides and hang upside down to stretch more deeply.
Seated Head to Knee pose

Your back, hip, and thigh muscles are more flexible as you practise Janu Sirsasana. Additionally, it reduces tension and improves circulation in the lower abdomen. A excellent pose to stretch the hamstrings, inner thigh muscles, and groyne is seated head to knee. It aids in digestive improvement, nervous system relaxation, and the eradication of moderate depression. The pose known as Janu Shirshasana aids in easing lower back, hip, and knee tension. When you’re upset, anxious, or depressed, you should practise this pose. If you are unable to touch your toes, wrap a yoga strap around the foot of the straight leg.
Half Lord of the Fishes pose

The posture Ardha Matsyendrasana lengthens, aligns, and strengthens the muscles of the core. The back muscles around the spine get a tremendous stretch from this seated twist. It enhances posture and eases lower back discomfort. It can aid with digestion, indigestion, and constipation. According to legend, this asana’s twisting motion stimulates the heart, kidneys, liver, spleen, and lungs.
Cat-Cow pose

Beginners can warm up their spines and stretch their hip flexors, abdominals, and back muscles with Bitilasana and Marjaryasana. By engaging the diaphragm and taking deep breaths into the belly, it fosters coordination, sharpens focus, and energises prana. It enhances gastrointestinal function, reduces stress, and soothes the mind. By allowing us to let go of suppressed sentiments and emotions, moving with the breath between rounding and arching the spine develops emotional harmony.
Pyramid pose

Stretching the hamstrings, calves, quadriceps, hips, glutes, and back muscles is made easy with Parsvottanasana. To keep the body stable, it strengthens the feet, ankles, hips, and legs. Parsvottanasana enhances blood flow to the brain, calming the nervous system and enhancing cognitive function. This asana also promotes the release of tension in the shoulders, upper back, legs, and hips in addition to the lower back, legs, and hips. The throat chakra, which is related to expression and communication, is opened by this asana. The sacral chakra, which is connected to creativity, sexuality, and self-expression, is also stimulated.
Cobra pose

Bhujangasana stretches the hips, abdomen, chest, and tops of the feet as well as the entire front side of the body. It has been demonstrated that the Cobra Pose increases energy, lowers stress, and improves sleep quality. It’s a terrific position to adopt before going to sleep and whenever you need a boost of energy. Inflammation and back pain can both be lessened by it. Additionally, it strengthens the arms, core, and upper body muscles. Additionally, there is proof that performing Cobra Pose routinely enhances posture, self-worth, and depressive symptoms.
One Legged King Pigeon pose

Eka pada rajakapotasana is a deep hip opener that enhances hip, leg, pelvic, and groyne flexibility. It stretches the piriformis, glutes, hip flexors, and thighs. This pose aids in easing tension in your shoulders, chest, lower back, and hips. Place blocks or blankets beneath your hip bones for support if they are tight.
In Pigeon yoga Poses, deep breathing helps to correct neurological imbalances and activates the stomach organs. As stress, sadness, and concern are believed by Ayurveda to be held in the hips, this pose promotes emotional release and control. The consistent practise of this pose may help reduce stress or anxiety.
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