
Basic DNA -Theta Healing Course (3 Day Course)


20 in stock

Seller : Healing Empire

Basic DNA Theta Healing Course – Basic DNA is the first course to certify you as a ThetaHealing Practitioner. The course introduces Theta Healing techniques, explain how powerful our thoughts are and focuses on the understanding that we are all connected.

Title: Online Basic DNA -Theta Healing Course
3 Day Course
Speaker: Dua Mihaela Gordan
Duration: 5 hour course each day with 2 short breaks
Type: Group Session

Note: Upon completion of registration, the Zoom link will be shared with the registered email address. This is a group session

$463.00 $515.00

20 in stock


Basic DNA -Theta Healing Course – Basic DNA is the first course to certify you as a ThetaHealing Practitioner. The course introduces Theta Healing techniques, explain how powerful our thoughts are and focuses on the understanding that we are all connected.

The heart of this seminar is the practice of techniques that allow you to change life patterns held in place by core, genetic, historic and soul beliefs, either self inflicted or externally imposed.

  • Core Beliefs – this are beliefs/paradigms hold in the frontal lobe. This are our own beliefs and we keep them from the day of our birth.
  • Genetic Level – this beliefs travel through our DNA, we inherited from our ancestors. You can see the DNA as the computer programmateur for our cells.
  • History Level – this are beliefs from ”past life”. This are hold all around us, in our energetic field, for 7 or more generations.
  • Soul Level – this beliefs are everything,going from our heart through our body and all around us.

The students experience an opening to the Unconditional Love of the Creator ( Divine Intelligence).

You will learn to identify your own beliefs and practice pulling them for others taking the course. This practice can quickly reveal belief systems, showing the body how to replace limiting beliefs or feelings with positive ones.

In this 3 days course you will discover and learn:

Day 1 :

  1. About DNA and Vianna Stibal’s story
  2. The Seven Keys to Awaken Your Intuitive Abilities
  3. The 5 brain waves: Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma
  4. How to connect with this Infinite Divine Intelligence/ Creator of All That Is
  5. Muscle testing to find out the energetic blocks/limiting beliefs
  6. Intuitive body scan
  7. Group Healing with Unconditional Love
  8. Belief work part 1 – digging for the root belief

Day 2

  1. Belief work part 2 – Digging for beliefs/energetic blocks
  2. How to identify beliefs on each level: core, genetic, history and soul
  3. Gain the ability to release old fears, resentment, hate, rejection, etc
  4. Create new feelings, empowering and positive
  5. Understanding of the Seven Planes of Existence
  6. Connect with your Guardian Angels
  7. How to use this technique to manifest anything in your life
  8. How to work with waywards, spirits, psychic hooks and psychic attack
  9. Soul fragment  retrieval process
  10. Attract your soul mate or change your current relationship for the best of both

Day 3

  1. The secrets of how to use this technique to manifest anything in your life
  2. Reading your possible future and learn how to change it
  3. DNA activation technique
  4. Gene replacement process
  5. Returning and releasing soul fragments
  6. Changing genetic programs for aging
  7. Understanding about healing animals
  8. The reason why disease begins
  9. What are viruses, bacteria and fungus
  10. The Secrets of the Intuitive Reading Session

This seminar is 75% practical experience

Prerequisite: None required.
Includes: Vianna Stibal’s Theta Healing® Book, Manual
Certification: You will be certified as a Theta Healing® DNA Basic Practitioner, allowing you to use these skills as a practitioner if you choose to.

3 Day Course
Speaker: Dua Mihaela Gordan
Duration: 5 hour course each day with 2 short breaks
Type: Group Session

Note: Upon completion of registration, the Zoom link will be shared with the registered email address. This is a group session

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