Qigong is an ancient technique that dates back 5,000 years. This method has been used to aid in healing since ancient times. One of the purposes of qigong healing is to relax the mind. The mind, body, and emotions are one an all of these components of our bodies are interconnected. There is a common misperception that Qigong and Tai Chi are the same thing. In reality, Tai Chi is a martial art, but Qigong is a wellness system. Western Medicine and Ancient Practice The body is divided into sections in Western medicine. We have different experts to examine different sections of the body, such
Reiki Healing 2022 – The Mantra for a better life!
Reiki healing is a Japanese practise for stress reduction and relaxation. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the notion that an unseen “life force energy”
Unconditional Love – Love you don’t have to earn!
What I learnt today…Unconditional love… My mom has been unwell from mid June 2022. Its just a lot of health stuff that is continuously pulling her down. She has been
Miracles – The power to keep us moving on!!
What I learnt today…MIRACLES… I was attending a color therapy course by Dr Anu Mehta. On the second last day, we were made to do a very different activity. She
Reflection – No: 1 tip for ‘A Quiet Mind’
What I learnt today…REFLECTION🪞… The dictionary meaning of the word “Illuminate” is –(1) to supply or brighten with light.(2) to make luminous or shining.(3) to enlighten spiritually or intellectually. I heard
Mindfulness 2022- Each moment you breathe is a Gift !
What I learnt today…MINDFULNESS… Saibaba… My Mentor, Guide and Guru has taught the world the two Principles that he lived with …Shraddha(Faith) and Saburi(Patience).I was talking to my friend who
Harmony – The Universe runs on the energy of it!
What I learnt today…HARMONY…✨ My understanding and explanation of EGO…EveryGuy/GalsOpinionI am always RIGHT- others are always WRONG!I can say/do anything and all HAVE TO listen!I am smart and intelligent –
Disassociation – the state of being unconnected in memory or imagination
What I learnt today… DISASSOCIATION ✨ “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose/ By any other name would smell as sweet.” Shakespeare’s very famous quote. I clearly
12 effective Yoga poses for flexibility
The majority of yoga poses [asanas] strike a balance between strength and flexibility, however there are a select few that will most effectively develop your flexibility. So that you can
ACCEPTANCE is the key to the door of SUCCESS in 2022
What I learnt today… ACCEPTANCE! I attended a very beautiful and amazing session by Deepa Mahesh on “Dialogue with your body”. Really a very simple yet such an effective process