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Carmen Delport Multidimensional healer
The Pinchas Foundation
Knot Your Grandmas Pearls
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Seller : Knot Your Grandmas Pearls
24” mixed gemstone necklace with 5 Pearls
$75.00 $150.00
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Based on the Triquetra , this very ancient symbol originally meant triangle and was used to refer to various three cornered shapes. It has been found on rune stones in Northern Europe and on early Germanic coins.
18-22” Carnelian & Pearl Necklace Light brown Pearls and Carnelian
~&~”The Heart at Peace”, is the symbolism behind this uniquely designed piece of art.
~&~ Follow the single line of this Celtic knot back to the source and it gives you a feeling of peace and serenity.
~&~ It was created in the image of one of the more complex stone carving from the Cadbol Hilton Scottish Stone.
~&~ This precious pendant is hand struck, hand cast and highly polished pewter. It come with a 16″ silver electroformed cobra chain.
~&~ Pendant is approximately 1″ x 1 5/8″.
~&~ It is accompanied with an information pamphlet on its Celtic roots and an organza pouch for storage.
Based on the Celtic version of the Endless or Eternity Knot, The Celtic knot symbol, is also referred to as the mystic knot, or the endless knot The sacred meaning of the Celtic knot suggests that in life there are no beginnings or endings.
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