Digital Video Download-v2-What is Stress and Anxiety? How can Tai Chi help?

Seller : Energy by Movement

Digital Video Download v1-What is Stress and Anxiety? How can Tai Chi help?

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In this workshop, I will go deeper into the neurological processes that cause Stress Arousal and Anxiety in our bodies. I will explain the different relaxation techniques intended explicitly for busy business people. They can use these techniques at any time and place in the world.

How have our brains evolved, and what defence lines have they developed to withstand challenges and opportunities?

3 levels of stress | Pranalink

Why do we speak about Thinking brains versus Survival Brains? And why is Interoceptive awareness so crucial in all relaxation techniques. Is it true that the survival brain communicates via emotions and physical sensations?

Brains by Function | Pranalink

Based on science, I will give some simple exercises which will help you to increase your body’s sensitivity. This is the basic requirement to relax.

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Warm Regards,

Dirk Cassiers

Founder Energy by Movement

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