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Seller : Sourceful Healing
Rainbow Lava Rock: 23, 8mm beads
Grounding, Balance, Positivity
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$12.00 $15.00
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Ether Element Drop Necklace – In the Ayurvedic principles of healing, Ether is the emptiness between matter. Ether is the space in which everything happens. This etheric necklace contains: Citrine and Amethyst which helps attain illumination, good judgment and clarity through wisdom and courage. Carnelian quiets an overactive imagination and promotes patience. Lapis Lazuli calms emotions and promotes peaceful meditative vibrations. This necklace brings awareness to the space around you as it works with the entire Aura.
“Lots of Luck” Jade Bracelet
Exquisite, rich and beautifully handcrafted, these sleek and stylish high quality jade bracelets complement any outfit you wear – be it that little black dress or jeans and a t-shirt. Enjoy more than one for a chunky, full-wrist look.
Air Element Drop Necklace – Air represents traits of rationalism, logic, intellect, analysis, judgement, curiosity, openness, ethics, fairness, and humanitarianism, as well as superiority, coldness, distance and abstraction This airy necklace contains: Blue Lace Agate and Aventurine together, which liberates one from the surrounding pressures as it promotes good will and lightens situations. Helps relieve emotional distress caused by over rationalizing. Rhodocrosite brings energy, light heartedness and a cheerful balance.
This incredible hand crafted pendant works with the metaphysical healing power of crystals! Ask, Believe, Receive! The law of attraction works when we first ask the Universe for what we want. We must have faith and believe that we are deserving and know that we are worthy of the request. We now must be open and receptive for our desire to manifest.
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