Oregon Grape Root (Berberis aquifolium) has antibiotic properties and helps stimulate the immune system. It is used as a blood purifier for acne. Dermatologic Therapy published a clinical study in 2010. Oregon grape root was specifically mentioned for acne, because of the anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and liver-protecting chemicals contained in the herb.
Some Plateau Indian tribes used Oregon grape to treat dyspepsia.
Certain extracts from aquifolium may be useful in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis, although side effects include rash and a burning sensation when applied.
Recent studies indicate that aquifolium contains a specific multidrug resistance pump inhibitor (MDR inhibitor) named 5′-methoxyhydnocarpin (5′-MHC) which works to decrease bacterial resistance to berberine in vitro.
2 ounce tincture
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