New Moon Ritual Kit


7 in stock

Seller : Tool Shop

New Moon Ritual Kit – *When the moon is NEW, this is considered the time of birthing. Birthing new ideas, intention and seeding new ventures.

The New Moon Ritual Kit  

These “empowerment” kits are fun, educational, and a reaffirming way of creating positive energy, confidence, and the desire to achieve what you want in life!! It is a cross between a craft project and a meditation for the soul!

These are positive affirmation kits that help you to connect, learn and find focus. They are designed to assist you in creating your intention, putting your desires out to the Universe and manifesting what you wish. Ask, Believe, Receive. The New Moon Ritual Kits are a wonderful “tool” to help you achieve your ultimate goal: BALANCE.

Each kit contains the specific ingredients for completing your “Affirmations” and also contains 4 crystals, a candle, a crystal necklace associated with the new moon, incense and complete instructions. Each kit also comes with a beautiful gift bag.


7 in stock


New Moon Ritual Kit

The cycles of the moon are important when doing any kind of empowerment work in order to manifest what we want in life! When working with the energy of natural cycles, you are likely to get better results with the cycles of the moon since they have great power over the tides of our emotions. Knowledge of the basic cycles of life is an understanding of the forces that motivate and drive us; the forces that affect our lives.

*When the moon is NEW, this is considered the time of birthing. Birthing new ideas, intention and seeding new ventures. This is also called the dark of the moon. This time also marks the beginning of a major new cycle in your life. It is not yet a definitive separation with the past, but it is a time when old familiar patterns lose energy and you instinctively feel an impulse for creating new beginnings. Setting your intentions and releasing them out to the Universe to manifest and express.

The New Moon Ritual Kit

These “empowerment” kits are fun, educational, and a reaffirming way of creating positive energy, confidence, and the desire to achieve what you want in life!! It is a cross between a craft project and a meditation for the soul!

These are positive affirmation kits that help you to connect, learn and find focus. They are designed to assist you in creating your intention, putting your desires out to the Universe and manifesting what you wish. Ask, Believe, Receive. The New Moon Ritual Kits are a wonderful “tool” to help you achieve your ultimate goal: BALANCE.

Each kit contains the specific ingredients for completing your “Affirmations” and also contains 4 crystals, a candle, a crystal necklace associated with the new moon, incense and complete instructions. Each kit also comes with a beautiful gift bag.

-The New Moon candle: handmade and cooled in the light of the new moon, it is used for connecting with your intention. scented with pure essential oils and obsidian crystals.  Standing 3″ inches x 3″ inches, this candle, is enriched with essential oils and crystals and sprinkled with a dash of “moon dust”.

-The crystals: each represent the new moon.

Black Moonstone is the quintessential moon crystal and honors the Goddess in all women. It is symbolic of the “new moon beginnings”, prosperity and the ideal time to plant the seeds of good intention in order to watch them grow.

Obsidian is a strong grounding stone and is known as “the protector”. It is said to “mirror one’s soul”. This stone brings about objectivity, dis-attachment and is very centering.

Black Tourmaline can be used whenever energy feels scattered and disconnected. It therefore, bring awareness back to a grounded state of mind. Tourmaline does not absorb negative energy.

-Tektite is a grounding stone. It is used most often to overcome depression, soothing nightmares and stress. From the remnants of a meteorite that crashes to earth, these space stones are incredible.

Coil Expandable Pendant: allows you to interchange your stones and where the one that suits your mood that day!

**Note – any of the above crystals can be interchanged within the necklace. You can simply take out the crystal in the wire coil and replace it with the crystal you feel connected with that day!

-Incense: New Moon incense for scenting your mood, setting your intention and delivering your wishes.

SKU: PLPMC638 Category:

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