
Dandelion Tincture


6 in stock

Seller : Tool Shop

Dandelion Tincture – Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is a leading remedy for detoxing the liver. It stimulates the flow of bile, a fluid that assists fat digestion, which is why it’s used for liver and gallbladder disorders.  Dandelion has scientifically documented potent diuretic properties. It relieves constipation and eases bloating and swelling. Dandelion should be used for 4 to 6 weeks at a time. For it’s liver benefits,  dandelion is helpful for acne.  This extracted herb is in a liquid tincture.  2 ounce tincture.


6 in stock


Dandelion Tincture – Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is a leading remedy for detoxing the liver. It stimulates the flow of bile, a fluid that assists fat digestion, which is why it’s used for liver and gallbladder disorders.  Dandelion has scientifically documented potent diuretic properties. It relieves constipation and eases bloating and swelling. Dandelion should be used for 4 to 6 weeks at a time. For it’s liver benefits,  dandelion is helpful for acne.  This extracted herb is in a liquid tincture.

The flowers are used to make dandelion wine, the greens are used in salads, the roots have been used to make a coffee substitute (when baked and ground into powder) and the plant was used by Native Americans as a food and medicine.

Dandelion contains flavonoids including luteolin, apigenin, isoquercitrin (a quercetin-like compound), caffeic acid, and chlorogenic acid. Dandelion also contains terpenoids, triterpenes, and sesquiterpenes. Dandelion has been used as an herbal remedy in Europe, North America, and China.

Dandelion has been used in herbal medicine to treat infections, bile and liver problems and as a diuretic. Dandelion is used in herbal medicine as a mild laxative, for increasing appetite, and as a plant bitter for improving digestion. The milky latex has been used as a mosquito repellent and as a folk remedy to treat warts. With very low or even no toxicity at all, T. officinale can be used as a tea-like drink on a daily basis.

2 ounce tincture.

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