Angel’s Mist Rose Absolute Essential Oil


7 in stock

Seller : Tool Shop

Angel’s Mist Rose Absolute Essential Oil

Botanical name: rosa damascena
Use: fights infection, reduces inflammation, relieves muscle spasms. Increases urination, bowel movement, regulates menstruation. Calms nerves, decreases depression, stimulates sexual desire.
Perfume Note: Base
Blends well with: Jasmine, Fennel, Vetiver, Geranium, Clary Sage
Source: flowers
Production method: steam distillation
Aromatherapy benefits: relaxing, soothing, sensual
Aroma type: sweet, floral

Rose is the mother of all flowers and the number one oil most associated with beauty. This most rare and expressive oil captures that which reins supreme. Rose oil is synonymous with beauty and works well for all skin types, but especially for mature skin. Rose essential oil can take care of many feminine issues such as uterine discharge, tumors, bleeding, and irregular menses. It is a wonderful remedy for headaches, calming nerves and regulating hormones, as well as one of the top aphrodisiac oils!

“Angel’s Mist” Essential Oils

“Angel’s Mist” Essential Oils are produced in the most advanced, yet most natural method available. All of our oils are therapeutic grade and derived 100% through natural distillation or cold pressing.

“Angel’s Mist” Essential Oils are free of chemicals, fillers, solvents, emollients, water base, dyes, scents or additives.

“Angel’s Mist” Essential Oils are tested for standard plant properties. Each lot is tested for specific gravity, optical rotation, refractive index, solubility, aldehydes, heavy metals, congealing point, flash point, alcohol, esters and ketones. These quality control checks guarantee that you are buying the purest and most potent essential oils available.

“Angel’s Mist” Essential Oils come in half (1/2) ounce dark blue bottles.


7 in stock


Angel’s Mist Rose Absolute Essential Oil – Rose is the mother of all flowers and the number one oil most associated with beauty. This most rare and expressive oil captures that which reins supreme. Rose oil is synonymous with beauty and works well for all skin types, but especially for mature skin.

SKU: PLPMC23 Category:

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