Free Online session on Nov 26, 2022, Covid-19 & how it’s affecting our Chakras, by Karthik Sharma at 10:00 AM EST USA, 08:30 PM India

(1 customer review)

Seller : Events Shop

Topic: “Covid-19 and how it’s affecting our Chakras” – Free Online Session by Karthik Sharma
Date: November 26, 2022, 10:00 AM EST USA, 08:30 PM India
Duration: 45 Minutes, followed by 10 Minutes of Q&A

Note: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. A zoom Link for the session will be shared to your email address. This is a group session.



Topic: “Covid-19 and how it’s effecting our Chakras” – Free Online Session by Karthik Sharma

In this workshop we will be discussing on:
1) Nature of virus
2) Chakras and their importance
3) Effect of virus on chakras
4) Physical and psychological changes after getting affected.
5) Way forward.

About the speaker: Karthik Sharma
Karthik Sharma is from Hyderabad, State: Telangana, India. Karthik Sharma (KS) is a Certified Reiki Master & Healer

Certified in:
USUI Reiki Healing & Training
Karuna Ki Reiki Healing and Training
Chakara Balancing & Meditation
Space Clearing
Animal Reiki Practitioner
Kundalini Sadhak
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra Practitioner

He has his own clinic, KS Reiki Healing Centre, and has conducted many group sessions.

Note: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. A zoom Link for the session will be shared to your email address. This is a group session.

SKU: KSRHC002 Category:

Based on 1 review

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  1. Loke Chandra Sekhar

    Thank you, Karthik, Good session. Please Keep repeating sessions like this.

    Loke Chandra Sekhar

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