Angel’s Mist Chamomile Essential Oil


7 in stock

Seller : Tool Shop

Angel’s Mist Chamomile Essential Oil – The word “chamomile” derives from Greek (khamaimelon), i.e. “earth apple”, “on the ground” and (melon) “apple”. Chamomile has been used for inflammation associated with hemorrhoids, helpful with anxiety and insomnia.


7 in stock

Angel’s Mist Chamomile Essential Oil

Chamomile (Roman):
Botanical name:chamaemulum nobile
Use: There are several varieties of this oil, though they do overlap somewhat in their properties, Maroc being the least potent. The greatest uses are anti-inflammatory, sedative, soothing and calming. A good antidepressant. It is excellent in skin disorders as it reduces the associated redness and pain. It is one of only a few oils which can be used directly on the skin, or on children.
Perfume Note: Middle
Blends well with: Neroli, Rosewood, Lavender, Clary Sage, Jasmine
Source: flower
Production method: distillation
Aromatherapy benefits: calming, soothing, relaxing, nourishing
Aroma type: sweet, warm, fresh
Warning: none noted
Safety Information: Mild enough for infants and children

The word “chamomile” derives from Greek (khamaimelon), i.e. “earth apple”, “on the ground” and (melon) “apple”. Chamomile has been used for inflammation associated with hemorrhoids when topically applied. There is Level B evidence that chamomile possesses anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) properties and could be used to treat stress and insomnia. In 2009, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania concluded the first controlled clinical trial of chamomile extract for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). The results suggest chamomile may have modest anxiolytic activity in patients with mild to moderate GAD, although the results have not since been replicated. Chemical components of chamomile extract have demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties.

“Angel’s Mist” Essential Oils

“Angel’s Mist” Essential Oils are produced in the most advanced, yet most natural method available. All of our oils are therapeutic grade and derived 100% through natural distillation or cold pressing.

“Angel’s Mist” Essential Oils are free of chemicals, fillers, solvents, emollients, water base, dyes, scents or additives.

“Angel’s Mist” Essential Oils are tested for standard plant properties. Each lot is tested for specific gravity, optical rotation, refractive index, solubility, aldehydes, heavy metals, congealing point, flash point, alcohol, esters and ketones. These quality control checks guarantee that you are buying the purest and most potent essential oils available.

“Angel’s Mist” Essential Oils come in half (1/2) ounce dark blue bottles.

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