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Seller : Knot Your Grandmas Pearls
24” mixed gemstone necklace with 5 Pearls
$75.00 $150.00
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~&~”The Heart at Peace”, is the symbolism behind this uniquely designed piece of art.
~&~ Follow the single line of this Celtic knot back to the source and it gives you a feeling of peace and serenity.
~&~ It was created in the image of one of the more complex stone carving from the Cadbol Hilton Scottish Stone.
~&~ This precious pendant is hand struck, hand cast and highly polished pewter. It come with a 16″ silver electroformed cobra chain.
~&~ Pendant is approximately 1″ x 1 5/8″.
~&~ It is accompanied with an information pamphlet on its Celtic roots and an organza pouch for storage.
18-22” Carnelian & Pearl Necklace Light brown Pearls and Carnelian
24” Yellow Turquoise and Carnelian Necklace
Chakra Interchange Pendant – Interchange your Chakra stones based on your daily needs! Rainbow healing uses the color energy of each Chakra center and the semi-precious gems of the earth to help the body rebalance when a particular healing energy is needed that day.
Seven independent crystals are accompanied by a silver metal coil.
The crystal booklet explains each of the seven major Chakra and the healing powers of each of the individual crystals included so that you can discover what energetic/physical/emotional need to work on and how you can do this.
This pendant is an expandable coil, approximately 1 1/4 inches and also includes a 16″ pewter cobra chain so that you can easily wear your stones or use the coil as a pendulum.
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