Series Son of Man | Serving earth's mission to Love #1 Awakening from the Fall 55:36 #2 Rising to Presence 1:01:54 #3 Ascending our Inner Totem Pole 40:49 #4 The Four Trials 35:50 #5 Letting Go of Drama 35:02 #6 Our Consciousness Ladder 26:29 #7 How we Harness Soul 43:44 #8 Why Rewrite Our Code 53:02 #9 Hermetic Principles 47:12 #10 Self Transmutation by Going Within 47:17 #11 Paths of Esoteric Christianity 45:08 The Last Initiate 3 Videos The Last Initiate EP01 - Opens a New Gateway to Spirit | Pranalink 47:19 The Last Initiate EP02- Opens a New Gateway to Spirit | Pranalink 1:01:41 The Last Initiate EP03- Opens a New Gateway to Spirit | Pranalink 40:28