Elizabeth P Russell, Herbalist, Herbal Educator, Reiki Master-Teacher
- (607) 329-0651
- Female
- Steuben County, New York, United States
- Coaching/Counselling, Misc./other Energy Therapy, Reiki, Tarot/Angel/Other Card Reading
Marinella Asole, Ayurvedic Wellness Coach and Holistic Counselor
- +393473790071
- Female
- Ventura, California, United States
- Ayurveda, Chakra Balancing, Coaching/Counselling, Diet and herbal Therapy, Meditation, Misc./other Energy Therapy, Yoga
Julia Fetty, Manifestation Coach, Healer, and Performer
- Use email
- Female
- Coaching/Counselling, Misc./other Energy Therapy
Lynsey Whitehill
- 7194692123
- Female
- Pueblo West, Colorado, United States
- Chakra Balancing, Meditation, Misc./other Energy Therapy, Reiki
Rena Price, Internal Wellness Coach at Breathglobal GLILMOFC
- 1-832-685-8838
- Female
- Houston, Texas, United States
- Akashic Records, Coaching/Counselling, EFT, Hypnosis, Healing Touch, Life Alignment, Meditation, Misc./other Energy Therapy, Shamanic Healing, Tarot/Angel/Other Card Reading, Visualization & guided imagery
Cindy Fritze, Certified Matrix Reimprinting and EFT Tapping Practitioner.
- (218) 428-3232
- Female
- Duluth, Minnesota, United States
- EFT, Misc./other Energy Therapy